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21 days to reframe your inner critic

From inner critic to inner mentor!

Join the journaling challenge and reframe your inner critic in 21 days.

In this free challenge, you will receive daily journaling prompts from Monday 30 May 22 to understand who you are as a creative, what’s holding you back, and how you can reframe that little voice in your head.

Stop holding yourself back and express yourself with no fears!

The challenge will start on Monday 30 May 2022.

The challenge will be EVERYWHERE. I want as many creative people to go through this challenge, as I know how we can be our worst enemy. Your voice matters and I want to make sure you share your voice and story.

You will receive a daily email with the journaling prompt and some guidance. If you prefer another format, I got you!

The prompts will be on YouTube and on my podcast (where you can journal at the same time as me), and social media (Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest).

Subscribe now for some journaling tips and receive a reminder for the first day of the challenge!

Challenge: About Me

One challenge - different ways to journal!

Journal with me on Youtube

Receive prompts in your inbox

Journal with me on my podcast

Follow me on Instagram

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Challenge: Resources

Tips and information

Challenge: List

What is journaling?

Journaling is the opportunity to take time to reconnect with yourself. You can write your thoughts in a journal, with or without a prompt.

For this challenge, I invite you to spend 5min on each prompt. You will receive one journaling prompt in your inbox every day. I know how easy to get distracted or say “I’ll do it later” and then forget about it, so you can join me on YouTube or on my podcast to journal 5min with me.

Who is it for?

It’s for anyone who’s creative!

It doesn’t matter if it’s just a hobby, if you’re just starting out, or if you’re a professional artist. Maybe you stopped for years, and then you’re getting back to it.

You can be a writer, a painter, a singer, a musician, a filmmaker... And I’m sure I’m forgetting some crafts and some arts.

Everyone is welcome!

What matters is you’re creative and you want to improve your inner critic.

If you feel stuck with one prompt

If you feel a bit overwhelmed or if you feel like there’s some resistance, take a deep breath in and try your best. You can ask yourself, “Why do I feel some resistance with that prompt?”

You can just start by writing “I don’t know how to answer that question. I dunno. I dunno.” And then really try to stick to those five minutes and see what comes up.

And if you’re really not inspired by one prompt during the challenge, just write whatever comes to your mind for five minutes.

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