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Treasure your dream

A 12-week programme to help female artists with their lack of self-confidence & procrastination and find their inner strength to achieve their dream goal.

Treasure your dream: Services

Let's play a game...

... Look at those thoughts:

  • I feel stuck

  • I'll never be successful by being who I am

  • I can't move forward because what I do isn't good enough

  • I'm not sure I'm doing the right thing

  • People will laugh at me and/or judge me

Any of those thoughts resonates with you?

You WANT to change and work on your dream project, but something is holding you back.

You WANT to be true to yourself but somehow you don't take any actions. There are always obstacles and distractions in your way, and you lack motivation, you feel disappointed...

... and there is that little voice whispering "I'm never going to achieve what I want".

I'm here to tell you something...


This coaching programme will help you find the time and motivation to work on what you want and make that leap forward. You will improve your strength and resilience with practical mindset tools.

You will reframe your inner voice so it becomes your best friend and helps you move forward.

Treasure your dream: Text

Imagine if...

you have the confidence to achieve your goals.

you bounce back from any obstacles.

you are successful by being yourself.

you establish the right life balance for you.

Treasure your dream: Infographics

Coaching programme

5 steps to transform your life

Get your compass: Clarify your vision

We will work on identifying what you really want as an artist. What is your big dream? And most importantly, why? During this process, you will map out a vision for your future.

Brave obstacles: what's holding you back

We all have limited beliefs, negative thoughts pattern and our inner voice holding us back. We will work on your limited beliefs – conscious and subconscious – to clear the way towards your dream goal.

Start digging: Reframe your mind

Beliefs shape our reality. We will transform your beliefs as you remove any beliefs that no longer serve you, and replace them with empowering beliefs.

Crack the code: Let go

Learn how to let go of the past and what is not serving you anymore, and how you can manifest an empowering energy to achieve your goals and face obstacles along the way.

Open the treasure chest: Go with the flow

Work on Inspired Actions to take action that keeps you in alignment. You'll feel empowered no matter what, and you'll know how to keep moving in the forward momentum.

Treasure your dream: Projects
Treasure your dream: Testimonials

Shaida Kazemi

Script Supervisor

I was a little lost in my footing and needed some guidance, strategies and techniques to remind me of what I was fundamentally setting out to achieve both professionally and personally.

The sessions also helped me so much with my self-care goals – allowing me to forgive and move on from negative hurt and past experiences that serve me no purpose in my path forward.

I took so much away from our sessions each week and overall I feel like I’ve actually become a much more enlightened version of myself with clear goals and intentions to succeed in everything I do moving forward and to manage the value and time I give to every element that makes up the day-to-day.

I believe in me again and know how to take big leaps forward when working on my projects and myself. I feel more creative and open to bringing in positivity in every step I take forward.

Overall a truly priceless experience and toolkit, which I will carry with me forever.


Let's chat! Book a 30 min call with me so we can get to know each other and I can support you in your creative journey.

Treasure your dream: Text
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